So this is it for me. Jobless. Well, for at least two months and a half anyway until I start my lectureship post at York university. And how do I feel?
Well, quite good actually.
But not so much...
Most of the time, I'm just bored. Why? Well, first thing first, there's not much to do while you're in-between jobs. No income too (that's bad and somewhat predictable). But another thing that I didn't quite expect to come following unemployment...
...that is, my social life has gone down the drain a bit.
So, here it is, in details, this is what normally happen to the level of satisfaction with different areas of your life after unemployment.
First, you'd feel broke (even when income is held constant for you) - and this feeling ain't going away in a few years while you're still unemployed. The vertical line here represents the year of becoming unemployed (and you remain unemployed from T to T+5). Note that these are within-person analysis, i.e. I am tracking your satisfaction from Year 1 to Year 6.
Source: British Household Panel Survey
Paper: Powdthavee, N. 2008. Jobless, Friendless, and Broke? A Longitudinal Study of Satisfaction with Different Areas of Life Following Unemployment, mimeo.
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